Summer collection

Summer collection

Jamie xx / Tekla

Jamie xx / Tekla





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    • Responsibility at Tekla
    • 2022-2023 Update
    • Climate action
    • Materials
    • Traceability
    • Social
    • B Corp
    • Read more

    Responsibility at Tekla

    Tekla recognises its responsibility to mitigate its impact. We design for longevity and produce responsibly, aspiring to move beyond just compliance with social and environmental requirements.

    We do not call ourselves a sustainable brand – bringing new products into the world is fundamentally at odds with the definition of sustainability, so it would be irresponsible to do so.
    But we do strive to be more responsible. We measure our impact so we can better understand how to mitigate it, we act with care both in how and what we produce, and we do all of this with honesty because it is the only way to make crucial changes to our industry.
    We are committed to the action we must take now to safeguard the future, not just because we need to, but because we believe in using business to drive positive change for everyone.
    Responsibility report
    Last year, we reviewed our impact and practices across four key areas for the first time. These were climate action, materials, traceability and social.
    We set 19 goals based on this. Some to be achieved by 2023, some by 2025, and some that were not time-bound but things we knew needed to be on the agenda. A year on, we are proud to have achieved 10. Any goals that we haven’t achieved or that are still ongoing have been incorporated into this year’s report and our goals moving forward.
    We had a lot of success in areas where pre-existing solutions or infrastructure exist. But a year into our journey, we can see now that many of the challenges we face are often due to systemic barriers that no one brand can solve alone.
    This means our work will become harder and increasingly more complex, but also more meaningful as we further commit to doing better and pushing for the industry-wide changes needed.
    In our annual report, we detail our continued work towards becoming more responsible, where we have room for improvement and our future goals.
    Download the report to read it in full or discover the highlights below.
    Read the 2022-2023 report
    Climate action
    We are in a climate crisis and the textile industry has a key role to play – it’s responsible for an estimated 10% of global carbon emissions, according to the European Parliament. Reducing this output is incredibly challenging, but we recognise our responsibility to decarbonise our operations and supply chain as much as possible while supporting a growing business.
    This year, we measured our company carbon footprint to best understand how to prioritise this action. We used the results to create a topline decarbonisation plan of initial steps we can take to begin to decarbonise our practices. This is an ambition that needs industry-wide change to be achieved, but everyone has a part to play.
    We are in a climate crisis and the textile industry has a key role to play – it’s responsible for an estimated 10% of global carbon emissions, according to the European Parliament. Reducing this output is incredibly challenging, but we recognise our responsibility to decarbonise our operations and supply chain as much as possible while supporting a growing business.
    This year, we measured our company carbon footprint to best understand how to prioritise this action. We used the results to create a topline decarbonisation plan of initial steps we can take to begin to decarbonise our practices. This is an ambition that needs industry-wide change to be achieved, but everyone has a part to play.
    Materials alone don’t make a product sustainable, but they do make up a large portion of a product's environmental impact – water use and pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and textile waste are all affected by textile choice. We aim to use the highest quality, natural and renewable fibres available and regularly review our choices to see if we could be doing better.
    Last year, we identified a few areas where we could improve, so this year we’ve focused on making those changes. Some of them were small but still important, like switching from conventional cotton to organic across all our labels or adding recycling instructions to our packing. In a few instances, these changes resulted in a greater impact, which we detail below.
    We became GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified. GOTS helps to verify good environmental and social practices from cotton processing to the final product. It can help provide assurances when visibility isn’t possible. As the majority of Tekla products are made from organic cotton, this is a huge achievement.
    Following a material review, we discovered our bedding boxes were not easily recycled and their size and weight contributed to our C02e emissions. This year, we worked on a redesign that uses lightweight, mono-materials. The solution – a Paptic envelope – is now widely recyclable and emits approximately 88% less carbon.
    Materials alone don’t make a product sustainable, but they do make up a large portion of a product's environmental impact – water use and pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and textile waste are all affected by textile choice. We aim to use the highest quality, natural and renewable fibres available and regularly review our choices to see if we could be doing better.
    Last year, we identified a few areas where we could improve, so this year we’ve focused on making those changes. Some of them were small but still important, like switching from conventional cotton to organic across all our labels or adding recycling instructions to our packing. In a few instances, these changes resulted in a greater impact, which we detail below.
    We became GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified. GOTS helps to verify good environmental and social practices from cotton processing to the final product. It can help provide assurances when visibility isn’t possible. As the majority of Tekla products are made from organic cotton, this is a huge achievement.
    Following a material review, we discovered our bedding boxes were not easily recycled and their size and weight contributed to our C02e emissions. This year, we worked on a redesign that uses lightweight, mono-materials. The solution – a Paptic envelope – is now widely recyclable and emits approximately 88% less carbon.
    There is little accountability within the textile industry, in part because of the opaqueness of supply chains. We recognise that to make meaningful change throughout, we need a clearer understanding of what ours looks like. We started the process of mapping our supply chain with our first report and this year we increased our visibility of tier 2 suppliers from 78% to 85%. For tier 3, we increased from 53% to 81%.
    This level of visibility is much higher than the industry norm, and we’re incredibly proud of the work we have done to gain it, but it is still behind our ambitious goal of 100%. In truth, it may not be possible to reach 100%, as we rely so much on the cooperation and support of our value chain. However, setting these kinds of targets is the only way to push ourselves and drive the radical change needed industry-wide.
    There is little accountability within the textile industry, in part because of the opaqueness of supply chains. We recognise that to make meaningful change throughout, we need a clearer understanding of what ours looks like. We started the process of mapping our supply chain with our first report and this year we increased our visibility of tier 2 suppliers from 78% to 85%. For tier 3, we increased from 53% to 81%.
    This level of visibility is much higher than the industry norm, and we’re incredibly proud of the work we have done to gain it, but it is still behind our ambitious goal of 100%. In truth, it may not be possible to reach 100%, as we rely so much on the cooperation and support of our value chain. However, setting these kinds of targets is the only way to push ourselves and drive the radical change needed industry-wide.
    We must make sure our definition of sustainability includes people to affect meaningful change. At Tekla, this means operating with honesty, integrity and openness; with respect for human rights and the interests of our entire community. This year, we continued donating to local causes – including Grace Kbh homeless hostel and I Tråd Med Verden – always in dialogue with them about their needs.
    We also surveyed our employees to gain insight into how they feel about the company culture. The results were mostly positive; we performed well in areas including shared purpose and inclusion and belonging, with 97% agreeing that “people at Tekla are treated with respect regardless of their job or background.” It’s important that our employees feel respected in the workplace and we’re proud to foster this culture of inclusion.
    We must make sure our definition of sustainability includes people to affect meaningful change. At Tekla, this means operating with honesty, integrity and openness; with respect for human rights and the interests of our entire community. This year, we continued donating to local causes – including Grace Kbh homeless hostel and I Tråd Med Verden – always in dialogue with them about their needs.
    We also surveyed our employees to gain insight into how they feel about the company culture. The results were mostly positive; we performed well in areas including shared purpose and inclusion and belonging, with 97% agreeing that “people at Tekla are treated with respect regardless of their job or background.” It’s important that our employees feel respected in the workplace and we’re proud to foster this culture of inclusion.
    B Corp
    Tekla became a certified B Corp – a company verified by B Lab to be purpose-driven. It’s a holistic certification that requires rigorous assessment to score a business’s performance across five key areas: environment, workers, community, customers and governance. To achieve B Corp, companies must score 80 points. For context, the median score for ordinary companies who complete the assessment is 50.9. Tekla achieved 91.7, scoring particularly well in governance, customers and workers. This achievement wasn’t a specific goal as part of our responsibility report, but it is of great importance to us. Working transparently and aligning with other organisations that work towards systemic change, like B Lab, is the only way to make crucial changes to the industry.
    Tekla became a certified B Corp – a company verified by B Lab to be purpose-driven. It’s a holistic certification that requires rigorous assessment to score a business’s performance across five key areas: environment, workers, community, customers and governance. To achieve B Corp, companies must score 80 points. For context, the median score for ordinary companies who complete the assessment is 50.9. Tekla achieved 91.7, scoring particularly well in governance, customers and workers. This achievement wasn’t a specific goal as part of our responsibility report, but it is of great importance to us. Working transparently and aligning with other organisations that work towards systemic change, like B Lab, is the only way to make crucial changes to the industry.
    Read more
    Learn more about our work to be more responsible. Read all reports from 2021 onwards.
    Learn more about our work to be more responsible. Find reports from 2021 onwards and additional appendices.
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